Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Quick BYOD Tip

Out To Lunch by Kaptain Kobold, on Flickr

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  Kaptain Kobold 

Yesterday I was discussing my Division's new BYOD policy with a principal and asked him how implementation was going.  He shared that it was going a bit slow (only natural since we've just gone from a we-see-it-you-loose-it-and-go-to-ISS to a you-can-now-use-it-for-academics school system). But he offered a great idea that his school is trying to get the students adjusted to appropriate BYOD use.

In the cafeteria they have set up a BYOD table -  reminders about acceptable use are posted on the table to keep students from going astray and they don't allow food at the table (not sure why) - as a place where students can use their own technology to complete academic assignments.

Not the perfect solution but a good step in what is really a major culture shift.

How are you making the shift to BYOD? I'd love to hear from you.

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